Collaborative Divorce FAQs

“What are the benefits of the Collaborative Divorce model?”

This private, less adversarial model permits divorcing couples to make well-informed and appropriate decisions for themselves and their families and to make long-lasting solutions that result in less future conflict. They protect themselves and their children from the hostility and intrusion of the court process. The security and privacy of the collaborative process promise reduced anxiety and more control of the outcome. By using a creative, respectful approach to reaching a mutually acceptable agreement, the collaborative process permits good people to be their best in a bad time.

“What Is The Financial Specialist’s Role In A Collaborative Divorce?”

A neutral financial person saves time, provides focus, frames financial issues for the parties, and assists with future planning. He or she is a qualified financial planner or accountant trained in collaborative divorce and will help the parties understand their current financial situation and their financial choices. The financial specialist will collect and organize the required financial information and explain the impact of each financial decision for both the immediate future and the long term.

“What Is The Child Specialist’s Role In A Collaborative Divorce?”

Every divorcing couple is worried about how the divorce will affect their children. The child specialist is a licensed mental health professional with specialized training to help children understand and deal with divorce. He or she will provide a safe place for children to be heard and will allow the children to voice their needs and concerns. He or she will help the parents understand what is happening to their children and provide them with information to make important parenting decisions. The child specialist will also meet with the parents and their coaches to create the most suitable parenting plan.

“What Is The Coach’s Role In A Collaborative Divorce?”

Coaches are licensed mental health professionals with specialized training in collaborative divorce. They address emotional issues which inhibit the divorce process, and assist parties to improve communication and listening skills, to develop problem solving skills, to manage their feelings and to create and follow through with parenting goals. The coach also helps his client to prepare for the meeting with his spouse and with other members of the collaborative team.

“What Is The Lawyer’s Role In A Collaborative Divorce?”

The collaborative lawyer is trained to work in a non-adversarial way with his client as part of the collaborative team. The collaborative lawyers focus on finding solutions that work for the entire family, while providing legal advice to their client about his or her rights and obligations.

Learn more by calling Mariani Reck Lane, LLC, at (959) 400-9920. You can also reach us online.