New London Divorce Mediation Attorneys

Resolving Your Divorce Quickly and Collaboratively

The divorce process can bring up many emotions, both good and bad. We know that making the decision to end your marriage isn’t an easy one, and you may have to deal with a tumultuous relationship as well as the entire legal process. Using a divorce mediation attorney can help expedite the divorce process and come to an agreement with your soon-to-be ex-spouse so you can wrap up this chapter of your life quickly.

If you’re going through a divorce but struggling to agree on your divorce terms, contact our team today. Mariani Reck Lane, LLC is here to provide divorce mediation services that allow you and your spouse to work together. Whether you’re just starting the divorce process or you’ve already tried your own negotiations, we are here to help you. Call our office today at (959) 400-9920 to learn more about our services.

What is Divorce Mediation?

A divorce can’t be finalized until both spouses agree on all the terms and sign the divorce papers. Unfortunately, many spouses struggle to come to an agreement, leading to adversarial meetings and intense emotions. Using a mediator allows you to have a neutral third party guiding the conversation between you and your spouse.

As your divorce mediator, an attorney on our team can take the following steps:

  • Provide a positive and safe environment for divorce discussions
  • Talk about the pros and cons of all options available
  • Offer information about the divorce process and the legal system
  • Guide the conversation toward a beneficial outcome for both parties
  • Suggest third-party services, including business evaluators, child specialists, and property appraisers
  • Develop a divorce agreement to submit to the court

In Connecticut, a mediator can also help you file the divorce paperwork. Because our mediators are also attorneys, we can ensure that your divorce papers are legally valid and that all paperwork is correct before you file. This ensures there are no delays in the process.

What Are the Benefits of Mediation?

There are many reasons why our clients choose divorce mediation rather than standard negotiations or litigation. The benefits of mediation include:


If you have to go to court to settle your divorce terms, the hearing will be public record. Doing private mediation allows you and your spouse to talk about issues that you may not want to be publicized.

Time Saving

Many spouses come to a stalemate when they are unable to agree upon divorce terms. These disagreements can draw your divorce out for months. By using a mediator, you can work through issues quickly to save yourself time and money.

Reduced Stress

Going to court is stressful, especially if you’re talking about serious issues like child custody and spousal support. Meeting with a mediator is less formal than going before a judge, which allows you to air out all your grievances and advocate for yourself without worry.

Less Contentious

It’s normal for you and your spouse to disagree during divorce proceedings. With a neutral third party in the room, you can stay on track and reduce heated emotions to avoid arguments and get your divorce settled quickly.


When you work with our private mediators, you have more flexibility regarding the process and the kind of agreement you come to. In a divorce hearing, a judge tells you and your spouse what to do; during mediation, you and your spouse run the show.

What Issues Can be Resolved Through Mediation?

When you work with a mediator, you can talk about any issues related to your divorce and the divorce agreement. Your specific divorce terms will depend on the length of your marriage, whether there are children involved, and the type of marital assets you and your spouse have obtained.

Generally, the following issues can be resolved through mediation:

Child Custody

Child custody and visitation agreements are one of the most commonly discussed topics during a divorce. If you and your spouse have children together, you can use mediation to agree upon a custody arrangement.

Child Support

Child support payments are used to help the primary parent pay for the children’s needs. Our mediators can help you come up with a fair payment plan.

Division of Assets

All marital property must be divided during the divorce. A mediator will help you identify all your marital assets and split them up equitably between you and your spouse.

Is Mediation the Right Choice for You?

Going through a divorce is not easy, especially if you and your spouse can’t come to an agreement on certain terms. Mediation is the best way to avoid expensive litigation and long, drawn-out court hearings.

Mariani Reck Lane, LLC is here to help you through your divorce and reach a settlement that meets both of your needs. If you’d like to learn more about our mediation services, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact our firm by calling (959) 400-9920 for a consultation about your case.