New London Child Support Modification Attorneys

Making Changes To Existing Court Orders

Maybe you attempted a do-it-yourself divorce, but now you realize that the agreement you negotiated simply doesn’t work. Or maybe life circumstances have simply changed, and what once worked quite well no longer does.

In either case, you can turn to the Connecticut law firm of Mariani Reck Lane, LLC. In practice since 1980, we have the in-depth legal experience you need to pursue modifications to existing court orders. Our lawyers handle:

  • Child custody modifications
  • Visitation/parenting time modifications
  • Child support or spousal support modifications

What It Takes To Modify An Order

If you want to make changes to a child support order, you must be able to show that a “substantial change in circumstances” has occurred (such as the loss of your job or a severe illness that prevents you from working) or that your current support order “substantially deviates” from state guidelines.

The same general principles apply to child custody and visitation modifications. You must be able to show that circumstances have significantly changed. Furthermore, the court must agree that the requested change is in the best interests of the children.

Getting The Other Party To Comply With Court Orders

Failing to follow court orders is a serious matter. Our firm can help you file a motion for contempt, which will force the other party to appear in court and explain why he or she has not complied with the order. If the other parent has failed to pay child support, for example, the court may:

  • Garnish his or her wages, withhold money from tax returns, or recover the money through other means
  • Impose jail time

Let the attorneys of Mariani Reck Lane LLC advocate for you in these matters. We will stand up for you and your rights. To learn more about how we can help, call our New London office at (959) 400-9920 or send us an email.