What factors influence child custody in Connecticut?

What factors influence child custody in Connecticut?

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Connecticut parents who decide to divorce must reach a custody arrangement that serves their children’s best interests. They can either draft a parenting plan together for court approval or have the judge decide.

Review the child custody process and the factors that affect parenting plans in Connecticut.

Custody factors

Connecticut law establishes factors for child custody consideration that include:

  • The cultural background of the child and family
  • The child’s developmental needs and how well each parent can serve these needs
  • Whether either parent has attempted to negatively influence the child’s relationship with the other parent
  • The child’s preference depending on his or her age and maturity level
  • How well the child has adjusted to his or her current environment, including school and home
  • Whether each parent will agree to follow the custody plan and cooperate with the other parent
  • Each parent’s custody preferences and ability to actively participate in raising the child
  • The child’s current relationship with siblings and other family members
  • Whether either parent has a history of neglect or domestic abuse
  • Each parent’s mental and physical health, although disability alone does not preclude a parent from having custody
  • Each parent’s ability to provide a stable living situation.

In addition, Connecticut requires both parents in a divorce to complete a parenting class.

Possible custody arrangements

Connecticut recognizes physical custody, or where the child lives, and legal custody, or who makes decisions about the child’s upbringing. Parents may have shared legal custody even when one parent has primary physical custody.

Even in cases involving sole custody, the noncustodial parent will receive visitation. The custodial parent in this case can request supervised visits if safety issues arise.

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