Choose collaboration and avoid going to war over your divorce

Choose collaboration and avoid going to war over your divorce

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Many couples think that the only route to divorce is through the courtroom.

However, a less stressful option is available outside of court. Collaborative divorce helps couples avoid the hostility that often accompanies litigation.

Litigation issues

If you and your spouse have decided to end your marriage, you may dread the thought of a traditional divorce in court. Litigation can be a long and tedious journey and at the end, a judge will make decisions about your divorce, your future and your children’s future that you may not agree with. Divorce in the courtroom is an event that is open to public scrutiny. The atmosphere is often emotionally charged. Some couples admit that the hostility associated with an acrimonious parting of the ways lingers long after the divorce is final.

About collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce is an example of alternative dispute resolution or ADR. It is a team effort consisting of divorce coaches, collaborative attorneys, possibly a neutral financial specialist, and, if needed, a child specialist. The goal is to work out a divorce agreement that a couple finds satisfactory without having to go to court. Like mediation, which also takes place outside of court, collaborative divorce is a time saver and therefore a money saver. One example of savings is that the parties share financial information, reducing the need for a costly discovery process such as a search for hidden assets.

A respectful process

Couples also appreciate the privacy collaborative divorce provides and the ability they have to freely express their opinions and exchange information. Better for everyone concerned, including the children of the marriage, this is an option that strives to avoid the hostility of a courtroom battleground and encourages respect in place of animosity.

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