Top 3 driving distractions

Top 3 driving distractions

personal injury

If you struggle to do more than one thing at a time, you are not alone. The truth is, it is almost always difficult for the human mind to do two things simultaneously, even when you do not realize it. This is especially true when it comes to driving. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 400,000 traffic-related injuries and 2,800 deaths involved distracted driving in 2018. Given these numbers, avoiding these top three distractions can help you and your loved ones stay safe.   

1. Food or drinks

Without a doubt, eating and drinking are responsible for many automobile injuries every year. To prevent an accident, wait until you stop driving before reaching for a sip of soda or one of your French fries. 

2. Cell phones

Mobile devices can be convenient, but they can also be dangerous when drivers use them on the road. Although many places have passed laws to limit phone calls and texting in vehicles, these two behaviors still lead to countless vehicle crashes every year.  

3. Vehicle Features

Whether you need to change the radio station, adjust your mirror or turn up the heat, your car has numerous features that can present a distraction while driving. Although each of these things can increase your comfort, they can also pull your attention from the world around you.  

Regardless of how busy you are, waiting to do something until after you are no longer behind the wheel can greatly reduce your risk of a collision. Avoiding distractions like these can help you stay safe. 

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