How does the court determine the best interests of a child?

How does the court determine the best interests of a child?

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If your divorce results in a dispute over child custody, the court will determine the arrangement based on the best interests of your children. Even though the judge will treat your case individually, he or she will approach it with the idea that your children will benefit most from having both parents involved in their lives. 

The court will also consider several factors that constitute what is in the best interests of your children before making a decision. The Connecticut Judicial Branch states that the court considers many factors relating to your children and you as a parent when determining the best interests of your children. 

Factors considered 

These are some of the factors the court will take into consideration before making a final decision on a custody arrangement: 

  • The temperament and the developmental needs of each of your children 
  • Your capacity as a parent to meet the needs of your children 
  • Your wishes as a parent for the custody arrangement of your children 
  • Your past interactions with your children and your current relationship with them 
  • Your practical ability to remain involved in the lives of your children 

The court will also take into account how adjusted your children are to their school, home and community and the physical and mental health of everyone involved. 

Parental responsibility plans  

Before the court finalizes a child custody plan, you and your spouse must each file a proposed parental responsibility plan. The plan you submit must include a schedule for your children to follow in the first year after your divorce. This plan must also outline how you will divide parental responsibilities with your former spouse. 

Additionally, you must designate a method for resolving disputes with your former spouse and how you will make parenting decisions with him or her. As part of this, you must identify the consequences for failing to adhere to your parental responsibility plan if the court approves it. 

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