Drivers continue to take risks, despite known dangers

Drivers continue to take risks, despite known dangers

personal injury

Commuting to work is just part of the daily grind for many people in New London and is usually uneventful. However, there are always those who engage in risky behaviors while driving and will end up causing a car accident.

Research from AAA shows that some drivers know what they do behind the wheel is dangerous, but they continue taking these risks anyways. According to the research, half of respondents who were involved in a recent collision said that they were talking on a cellphone while driving in the past month, while only 42% of respondents not involved in a collision said so. Similarly, 43% of respondents involved in a recent collision said they texted behind the wheel at some point in the past month, while only 27% of respondents not involved in a collision said so.

Cellphone use behind the wheel is not the only risky behavior respondents admitted to. The AAA reports that 39% of respondents in a recent collision said they ran a red light in the past month, while only 30% of respondents not involved in a collision said so.

What is striking is that even though motorists know using a cellphone while using a cellphone while driving is dangerous, they do so anyways. For example, 96% of those who said that driving while texting or sending an email was dangerous still did so.

Bad driving may seem commonplace in Connecticut, but that does not mean it is safe. In fact, quite the opposite. A motorist who is struck by another vehicle while on their daily commute may wonder how they will pay their medical bills and what they will do if their injuries keep them from being able to work. After all, they may have a family to provide for. In situations like this it can help to seek the advice of a legal professional, to better understand how to move forward after a car crash that is not their fault.

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