Common misconceptions associated with a Connecticut divorce

Common misconceptions associated with a Connecticut divorce

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There is no doubt that the overall status of individual relationships varies among couples in Connecticut. While there are many couples who remain happy and committed in their relationship, there are others who may be unhappy. Unfortunately, certain misconceptions about divorce may lead some people to stay in a relationship that is dysfunctional instead of seeking a happier, healthier life.

One concern of many people in an unhappy marriage is how money will be divided. Some people erroneously believe that because assets — such as bank accounts — were kept separate that they are immune to division. However, any income during the marriage is subject to a division. A court can determine how assets should be equitably distributed.

Additionally, some people may be concerned about child custody arrangements and other financial matters. Though it may be easy to assume that mothers are favored in child custody decisions, courts are tasked with determining what the best interests of the children are. The court could determine that it is in the children’s best interest to spend more time with the parent who has been serving as the primary caregiver, and recently, it has become more common for the father to fulfill that role. As such, spousal support is awarded based on a variety of different issues, including who earned more money; as more women are working and earning more than their spouses than before, this could mean that the husband is awarded support.

There are a variety of different misconceptions regarding divorce that could leave couples in Connecticut staying in a miserable relationship. Even once those misconceptions are rectified, the end of marriage is a time of transition, and it will not automatically alleviate all of the conflict. However, a consultation with an attorney who has experience with family law cases can help ensure that a person fully understands his or her options.

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