Did a distracted driver cause your Connecticut collision?

Did a distracted driver cause your Connecticut collision?

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The day of the accident is deeply etched in your mind. Perhaps you even remember exactly the clothes you wore and your destination at the time. It’s also not uncommon for sounds, smells or various images to replay themselves over and over in your mind if you suffered injury in a serious motor vehicle collision. You may have trouble sleeping at night and may show signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.

First responders, police and other rescue personnel probably made it to the scene of your collision soon after someone reported the accident. Whether you spent several hours, days or weeks in the hospital afterward, you no doubt rejoiced when your medical team informed you that you could go home. Going home after a car accident, however, doesn’t necessarily mean your problems are over. Your need for support likely did not end there.

Was the person who hit you distracted at the wheel?

Even if you notice potential trouble on the road, you may not always be able to safely react in time to avoid a crash. You may or may not have witnessed signs of distracted driving in the vehicle that hit you. The following list explains three main types of distractions that often lead to serious accidents that result in injury or fatality:

  • Cognitive distraction: Nowadays, many people talk on hands-free devices to conduct meetings or chat with someone while they are driving. Talking on a phone and daydreaming represent examples of serious cognitive distractions that place everyone in the vicinity at risk for injury.
  • Visual distraction: Reading billboards, gazing at roadside scenes, reading text messages, looking at directions on a global position device or looking at a backseat passenger are all situations that take a driver’s eyes off the road, which is highly dangerous.
  • Manual distractions: Just because Connecticut or another state has a law against using hand-held electronic devices while driving doesn’t guarantee that every driver is going to obey the law. Many do not, and they place themselves and anyone nearby in harm’s way when they exhibit distracted driving behavior.

Using an electronic device isn’t the only type of manual distraction that increases your risk for collision. A driver who is adjusting radio knobs, eating or drinking while driving or even reaching into a glove compartment or diaper bag to get something is manually distracted because both hands are not on the wheel.

Who is financially responsible for your injuries?

Medical bills, car repairs, physical therapy, lost income and any other cost associated with your collision intensify your suffering by causing undue financial stress that you may not be prepared to meet. This is why Connecticut law allows accident victims to seek financial recovery for their losses in civil court. The court can order distracted drivers who caused accidents to pay restitution, which victims can then use to cover expenses associated with the incidents.

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