Was your surgeon rude? He or she may have caused a medical error

Was your surgeon rude? He or she may have caused a medical error

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No one likes dealing with a rude professional, but did you know that some of them could be putting your life at risk? Medical error rates are actually higher for surgeons whose patients reported them as behaving rudely to themselves or their family members.

This is especially troubling when you consider the laundry list of complications that often come with going under the knife. Preventable medical errors are extremely traumatic for most patients in Connecticut who usually require further medical care and lengthy recovery times.

Patient complaints highlight risk

Researchers used data collected from seven different medical centers that were all participating in a program to improve national surgery quality. This information covered approximately 32,000 adult patients and about 800 surgeons. In this group, 11 percent of patients suffered complications after surgery.

On average, the researchers found about 11 complications for every one surgeon. However, the ones who were most likely to cause serious harm were those whose patients had complained about their behavior. Surgeons who had 14 complaints within two years were associated with 14 percent more post-surgery complications than their colleagues with little to no patient complaints.

Why are rude surgeons so dangerous?

Rude comments and behavior can indicate a number of troubling issues. Aside from maybe not being that concerned with a patient’s mental well-being — as being rude to a patient about to undergo surgery is not conducive to their overall health — there are a number of other possibilities. These include:

  • Poor training
  • Inability to find top-quality medical professionals with whom to work
  • Inappropriate behavior in the operating room
  • Low morale among staff
  • Distractions

You do not want a distracted, unprofessional doctor evaluating something as simple as a scratch. Can you imagine going under the knife with a surgeon who has treated you poorly beforehand?

You are not alone

If unsolicited complaints regarding surgeon behavior indicate anything, it is that many people in Connecticut are suffering the devastating aftermath of a surgical error. Things like infections, pneumonia, nerve damage and even unexpected urinary problems place a serious burden on victims.

Recovering from a medical error is not easy. You probably need additional treatment, which can be costly and time-consuming, not to mention any lingering physical and emotional trauma you are carrying around. If you need help, a medical malpractice suit can provide a path toward possible compensation for your injuries.

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