Did forceps or vacuum extraction cause injury to your baby?

Did forceps or vacuum extraction cause injury to your baby?

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Going through childbirth can be an unbelievable experience. Many parents find it amazing what the human body can do when it comes time to bring a child into the world. Of course, most people also know that, while the body is amazing, complications can still arise during the delivery process that may require additional actions.

In some cases, when an emergency occurs during birth, a cesarean section may need to take place. In your case, a doctor may have chosen to utilize a vacuum or forceps to help your child through the birth canal. Now, you may wonder whether that action stood as the best decision, as your child suffered injuries that have had lasting effects.

Using a vacuum

The idea of using a vacuum during birth may seem like an odd concept, but it is one that is not entirely unconventional. With a vacuum extraction, the delivering doctor places a suction cup-like device around the baby’s head, and a vacuum suction helps the baby move along the birth canal with the guidance of the doctor.

While this method can have its benefits, such as posing fewer risks than other options, it is not risk free. In fact, the use of a vacuum extractor could potentially have caused harm to your baby. The blood vessels in your baby’s retina may have begun to bleed, which is known as retinal hemorrhage, or blood may have pooled between the bones of your baby’s head and the tissue, a condition known as cephalhematoma. As a result, your child may suffer considerable trauma and lasting damage.

Using forceps

Before you gave birth, you may have heard of many instances of the use of forceps during other people’s deliveries. Forceps have commonly assisted with vaginal deliveries and often have a successful outcome. Again, though, this method comes with risks.

Because forceps resemble a pair of tongs with spoon-like ends, the doctor must place them on the child’s head to help guide the baby through the birth canal. During this process, the baby could suffer facial nerve damages as well as risks similar to those associated with vacuum extraction, such as retinal hemorrhage and cephalhematoma.

Your child’s injury

If you believe that the misuse of either of these delivery-assist methods resulted in your child suffering serious or permanent injuries, you may wonder how you can seek justice. Luckily, you could take steps to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the liable parties in hopes of pursuing compensation for the damages suffered.

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