When a lack of concentration sparks a need for compensation

When a lack of concentration sparks a need for compensation

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You probably see it all too often on Connecticut roads: a driver who hesitates to pull out when a light turns green, or one who veers slightly in and out of a lane. Distracted driving is a serious concern across the nation, and the consequences of such negligence can be exceedingly severe.

Chances are, you probably place a high priority on your safety out on the road, but you might be uncertain how to protect yourself against such behavior. While spotting every distracted driver can be a challenging task, knowing what types of behavior constitute distraction could help keep you out of harm’s way.

Three main categories of distraction among drivers

Unfortunately, there are countless actions that can take a driver’s concentration off the road, each of which could pose a threat to your safety. However, these actions generally fall under three general categories, which include the following:

  • Distractions that are manual: An action that requires a driver to remove his or her hands from the wheel can be dangerous. These actions can include anything from personal grooming to eating or drinking while driving.
  • Distractions that are visual: Attempting to change radio settings or becoming enthralled by something on the side of the highway can create a hazardous situation.
  • Distractions that are cognitive: Any action that takes up even a portion of a driver’s concentration, such as a phone conversation, inherently reduces his or her ability to focus on driving safely.
  • Actions that fall under all three: Certain actions, such as sending or reading a text, may fall under all three categories, and attempting to carry out these actions while driving can be exceedingly dangerous.

Being involved in a dangerous motor vehicle collision is never a good thing. If you encounter a distracted driver, any control you might have had over the situation could be taken away, potentially leaving you to suffer serious harm in the process.

Where to turn for guidance

With the extensive costs of medical care, and the potential of having to take time off work during recovery, suffering serious injuries in a collision can be a devastating experience. If the other driver is at fault, you could be entitled to restitution accordingly, but you might be uncertain how to achieve this goal.

However, by seeking guidance from someone with experience in handling such intricate matters, you can learn how best to approach the situation. Legal guidance could help you prepare to pursue the full amount of compensation you deserve and begin working toward recovering from your injuries without worrying about your financial future.

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