Modification and Custody Agreements

Modification and Custody Agreements

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Divorced parents often find that their original custody and visitation agreement no longer works with their new job schedule. Or they might find that they are unable to afford the child support payments because they just lost their job. Parents should know that there are ways to modify these original divorce agreements. There are specific forms for post-judgment modifications that can be filed with the court to open these judgments and modify the original agreement.

But be aware, there are restrictions. The court must first find that a substantial change in circumstance and/or that it is in the best interests of the child before any post-judgment modification can occur. Even if both parents agree to some kind of modification, a “dissolution action cannot be modified by acts of the parties without further decree or order by the court.” Albrechtv. Albrecht, 19 Conn. App. 146, 151, 562 A.2d 528, cert. denied, 212 Conn. 813, 565 A.2d 534 (1989).” Ford v. Ford, 72 Conn. App. 137, 141, 804 A.2d 215 (2002). To find out more or to start the modification process contact Attorneys with proven track records of success in Family Law and post-judgment modifications. –Mariani Reck Lane LLC. LLC

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