Have you heard of a post-nuptial agreement?

Have you heard of a post-nuptial agreement?

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The case of Bedrick v. Bedrick 300 Conn. 691 (Conn.2011) established the principles and enforceability of post-nuptial agreements.A post-nuptial agreement is just what it sounds like. A written contract(similar to a pre-nuptial agreement) that is executed after a couple gets married and makes arrangements should a divorce proceeding take place in the future.

A few years ago the post-nuptial agreement was not even a term in family law, but in recent years they have been gaining more in popularity for a variety of reasons; from relieving financial headaches to protecting yourself from your spouse’s business debts.

If you are already married and still want to relieve the headache and stress of what a future divorce may bring, a post-nuptial agreement may be something to consider.

But make sure to keep in mind that the standard of enforceability for a post-nuptial agreement is a heightened scrutiny from that of a pre-nuptial agreement. Due to the heightened level of scrutiny it is important for you to use the best and most competent Family Law Attorneys, with proven knowledge and experience to properly execute your post-nuptial agreement. –Mariani Reck Lane LLC, LLC.

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